Spiritual growth is in the form of ceremonies thought out the scouting year included below are some of the highlights and their meanings.
Scouts Own
Scouts Own / Cubs Own / Beavers Own is a ceremony usually built around a central theme, such as friendship, fairness, the environment. They are made up of a mixture of readings, prayers, reflections and songs. In practice, a “Scouts Own” can range from lively to somber. However, its intent is generally serious and reflective.
When a youth joins Cub Scouts they are a “Tenderpad”. This term is used to describe the soft skin on the bottom of a real wolf cubs foot. The older wolves (Runners, Trackers, and Howlers) help the Tenderpads learn about the pack, and while they learn the Cub Scouts feet grow tough. There are three requirements that must be met for a Tenderpad to become a Cub Scout.
•Repeat and explain the Cub Scout Promise and the Cub Scout Law
•Perform the Grand Howl with other Cubs
•Demonstrate the Cub Salute and handshake, and respect the Cub Motto
This ceremony is full uniform and it is expected that the whole pack and all Howlers will be present. Parents of those being Invested are encouraged to attend and take pictures.
Advancement Ceremony
This is held in the spring, it requires the participation of all those in the Cub Pack. The ceremony marks the moment when a senior Cub Scout takes the first toward becoming a Scout. Parents are encouraged and invited to attend this ceremony. This is a full uniform event.
Church Parade
Scout/Guide week which celebrates the founder of Scouting Lord Baden-Powell and his wife, the World Chief Guide, Lady Baden-Powell. The week leading up to the Church Parade may include meetings devoted to learning about the origins of Scouting and being out in the community promoting Scouting. At the end of this week a service is held at St. Mark’s United Church to offer reflection on the life of Baden-Powell and the World Brotherhood of Scouting. The service its self is designed specifically to meet the needs of Scouting and is welcome to be attended by parents and families. This is a full uniform event.